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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hotel Hermit

I'm fairly certain that the hotel maids think I'm like a La Quinta Inn Boo Radley. With the dogs here, I just put out a "Do Not Disturb" sign and just emerge when I need new towels or 4-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash/lotion. On that note, you can NOT combine that many things and them all fulfill their faithful duties. LIES. Either that, or there is a mass conspiracy by beauty companies to lie to the American people and force unsuspecting women to own 4,798 separate products.

I had big plans to see the sights and sounds of this new city, but I think my body was like, "For this first week, enjoy living somewhere you don't have to clean. Oh and binge watch Big Little Lies." In my defense, it only had seven episodes. And it's based on a book so my BRAIN WAS GROWING.

I have a dorm-sized fridge and my snacks lying on top of it remind me of my freshman glory days. God and I struck a deal and this week, I have my 19-year-old metabolism back to celebrate my extra $60/week mini fridge. Holllla. I even got on to Justin for eating MY CHIPS. You have to fight for what is yours, just like on campus.

The events of this summer have zoomed by and I think it was nice to be a shut-in for a bit. At one point this summer, I was turning 31, directing part of VBS, had a nephew born, had a best friend have a baby, all while hoarding the secret that we might have to move. It was slightly maddening. But I survived by the grace of God and generic $4 Celexa.

The first night with the dogs was ROUGH, but they have slowly gotten used to being hotel hermits too. Now the lawn mower zips by our window and they sigh like it's old hat. We took them to the dog park yesterday, imagining them frolicking through the meadow but were met with dogs who licked weeds and meandered slowly and watched a graceful hunting dog sprint for Frisbees. Minnie barked at him and his owner said, "Man, she's scary!" While a joke, I had my first ping of pet parent defensiveness- like a mom at a play date.

The ping of "I CAN MAKE FUN OF MY DOG BUT YOU CAN'T. YOU DON'T KNOW HER HEART. Also, her #2s are small. So take that!"

Luckily, it quickly faded.

Justin, as expected, is off to the races and is already very busy. But he is energized and hopeful about what he can add to their company and is thankful that their enthusiasm and culture is allowing him to do that. I met several of the employees at a minor league baseball game the other night and I was very impressed with their personalities and takes on life. Conversations came pretty natural and I avoided (I think) being the awkward turtle that I am.


Especially the "What do you do?" question. Somehow God's face shone upon me and no one asked me that. But I instantly panic and usually say something like, "I don't work but I do stuff with church and I like to write. I had a job once but was laid off and my short break turned into a long break and we do OK with just his salary so I watch my dogs. That's what I do. What do you do?"

"I'm a neurosurgeon and I have 4 small children. Balance is hard."


Thanks for reading my random rambling. I never want this blog to turn into a perpetual sad devotional so I like to throw in the occasional lighter fare. So here it is.

Thanks again for all your love and support. Now I need to get something to drink out of the mini fridge...

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