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Thursday, February 21, 2013



Justin came home from a golfing excursion with some buddies one time and I asked him several questions about the guys and their families. He had no updates. I finally sighed and said, "Well, what did ya'll talk about then?"

"Golf," he replied. 

I read a news article today that said scientists have discovered that women have a "language protein" that may be part of the reason we like to blab more than our male counterparts. 

Apparently the average woman speaks up to 20,000 words in a day-- which is about 13,000 more than the average man. 

Hey, I'd believe it. Especially when comparing it to the conversations that occur around my house.

Justin: "I don't care where we eat." 

Ashton: "I don't care where we eat-- as long as it's not Italian because I had that for lunch yesterday. Or Sonic because I am trying not to eat greasy foods-- but I really want mozzarella sticks. Oh, and I heard that Chinese place by my work lets employees wash their underwear in the kitchen near where the food is prepared. So not there." 

J: "I don't really feel like going." 

A: "I just feel like all these responsibilities are piling up on me and I can't say no to people-- which makes me feel obligated to go because I told them I would, but I just feel like I'm at the end of my rope this week and I just want to relax on the couch because I don't really feel like going." 

J: "I promise I'm not thinking anything."

A: "I promise I'm not thinking anything. It's just that I thought I would be farther in my career by now, ya know? I just worked so hard in school and I keep getting all these doors slammed in my face. It's such a disappointment. Now my 'Where will you be in 10 years' is going to be at the 20 year mark. See? I told you I wasn't thinking anything." 

J: "I would like to order a Reese's  Cup, brownie, and strawberry concrete please." 

A: "I kind of want a Cream Soda Freeze because it's so refreshing, but something chocolate sounds good. A small cone would be less calories so maybe I should get that. I really shouldn't be getting ice cream. Ok, I'll have the Cream Soda Freeze please." 

J: "I feel sick." 

A: "I don't feel good. I read the other day that a lot of women are really low on iron which makes them feel really tired and fatigued. Maybe I should get iron tablets. I know you think vitamins are useless, but I really think I should take them so I can be healthier." 

J: "I have to go to the bathroom." 

A: "If you don't pull over, I am going to wet my pants. Like for real. I have never had to go this bad before. Read all the signs. Is there an Exxon? It's shady. Keep driving. I have to pee-- but not enough to go there. Pull over!"

J: "I have a question."

A: "How was your test? Do you feel like you did well on it? When will you find out what you made? What did you have for lunch today? Was it tasty?"

J: "That's a nice car." 

A: "That's a nice purse. Oh, I want those shoes. That outfit is so cute. I need a new set of luggage. I think it's time for new bedding." 

J: "That was a good movie." 

A: "I feel like there was so much depth to all the characters; it really made you think about what it would be like to deal with a mental illness. I feel like their relationship was so genuine and realistic. I really related to the whole thing." 

J: "I need a haircut." 

A: "I feel like I need a change. Highlights, layers, something that says 'Fresh start.' I'm tired of the old me. I want something that makes me feel like a different person." 

Protein or no protein, we've definitely got a step up on the competition-- unless we're involved in a mumbling contest. 

But among all the jibber jabber lies this fact: she chose you to share it all with. And that's something worth talking about. 

"A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed." -Unknown

The article:


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