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Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Thousand Words

This is one of those weeks where I get home, get on my computer, sign on to Wordpress and just stare blankly at the screen. No inspiration. No ideas. So until my writer's block decides to hit the road, sometimes facial expressions just describe your week perfectly.

"You are now an expert on foreign policy and political strategy, eh? Way to go, you!"


"Why are all the Diet Dr. Peppers gone from the company fridge? I have to get Diet C[h]oke." 


"It's Wednesday. Time to watch some Damages. Oh wait. The series finale was last week. No more Damages. Ever."


"Your meeting had a leftover Chick-fil-a wrap meal? And I forgot my lunch money. Score."


"Unlocked the front door three times in a row to retrieve forgotten items. One of them was a Pop-Tart."


"Who made a dessert cheese ball for two events this week and got asked for the recipe? This girl." 


"Am I going to work out at all this week? Note to self: Come up with killer excuse for Monday." 


"Must. Smile. In. Morning. Time."


"I am making this face to hide the fact that I have a hole the size of a human fist in my pants right now."


"No hologram figure of the person you're talking to? Come on, iPhone 5."


"Will I ever think of a blog post again?"


Send me your ideas so the madness will stop.

In the meantime, make a bunch of funny faces.

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