I don't know how many of you read Glamour magazine (you don't have to admit it) but one of the first pages you open up to is the "Hey, It's OK" page in which they condone stupid things that we may all act on or think. For example, one of the less dumb ones this month was, Hey, It's Ok "...to feel like it's some kind of torture when your gym plays the Food Network." Been there. Hanging on the lat pull machine watching an Olive Garden commercial.
I try to keep this blog pretty light, but recent events have led me to pull out a few serious-face entries. It's like my blog is furrowing its eyebrows at you. Well, that is not me all the time. So, to make up for it, here is an entry that requires absolutely no brain power whatsoever. This will probably serve as a filler from time to time when work has fried my brain into a pile of mush.
... to look forward to going to the bathroom at work. It's relaxing. And you only have one task to handle.
... to try a Pinterest hair-do and then laugh at yourself in the morning.
... to think that candy that is freely offered in bowls at businesses has no caloric value.
... to want to throw a Snuggie (Ok, maybe 5) on Christina Aguilera.
... to repent for thoughts you had on the way to work every. day.
... to see people pick up their dog's poo out of a neighbor's yard and think, "Being a non-animal person isn't so bad."
... to think about supper while you're having lunch.
... to make big plans about what you're making for dinner the night before and then call Domino's instead.
... to kind of relate to a kid when he starts screaming in Wal-Mart.
... to arrive somewhere and not ever recall driving.
... to get a pedicure last minute without a prior leg-shaving. Let them talk.
... to assume that every skinny, tone person was born that way and has never put effort into it.
... to fast forward through the sob stories on singing competitions. Now they're just getting plain ridiculous.
... to pooch out your lips in the rearview to feel mighty fine.
... to shout, "I love this song!" and then butcher the first line out loud.
Umm, It's Not Ok...
... to turn into a troll during an election season.
... to leave your shopping cart in the middle of a parking spot.
... to keep inching forward to block the other person's view of oncoming traffic. I just want to turn right out of Sonic, Mr. I Turn Left on Busy Streets.
... to give your little girl a beauty complex when she's 2.
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