If I had the time, money and gumption, I would file a lawsuit against the illustrators of “Lean Cuisine” and “Smart Ones.” Why? Making one of those meals appear to be large, filling and overflowing with cheese is false advertising if I’ve ever seen it. Ashton’s trying to cut down on the food if you can’t tell by the harsh opening line. Instead, you zap it for its initial 2 minutes. Then the pattern commences: scrape, stir, scrape, stir until 1 oz of cheese attempts to cover 11 small noodles (if that). There are usually a few lone noodles huddling naked in the corner after all is said and done.
It’s hard being a girl with a hefty appetite when you live in a skinny jeans world. I’ve always longed to be one of the girls who could say at a restaurant, “I need two to-go boxes please. I can’t believe how much that house salad filled me up before my meal.”Quite the opposite, I’m that person that gets the look and the “Well, I can see that you liked my recommendation.” You bet I did, lady. It was a chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese on it. Did you think I would pick at it?
The party is over. My pants are tight. I despise anything that requires a buttoning or zipping motion. When I smile, my cheeks become a shelf to my eyeballs. I used to be the girl who could eat anything and still maintain a flat stomach. Those days are no more. I now can feel the physical travel of a cake to my right thigh.
And I know being vulnerable like this leaves the gates open for mounds of advice that I don’t really want. I know what it takes. I love this one: “Well, you just have to burn more calories than you take in.” You’re kidding. That’s what I’ve been missing all these years? I’m not mourning because I don’t know what to do; I’m mourning because I will have to run on the treadmill for 8 hours in order to equal out my cinnamon roll. “There are several exercises you can do at your desk,” says SELF magazine. Oh really? Because parents would really appreciate the school secretary doing lunges in a dress while they sign their child out. “There are several easy substitutions you can make. You won’t even notice.” Um, I may be shamelessly oblivious, but you aren’t going to slip in a 100-calorie pack for a Chocolate Chiller Smoothie without me noticing.
As you can tell, this process isn’t going to be easy for me. I’ve never read the book, “Made to Crave,” but I think it poses an interesting concept. We were made to crave and yearn after things—we’ve just decided to focus on the wrong things. What if I longed to read my Bible like I long to eat a hamburger and French fries? Why do I meditate on what my next meal is going to be rather than what I can do to improve my attitude? Why do I turn to a bowl of ice cream instead of prayer when I am sad?
Mission: God Not Gluttony starts now.
And I pity the next child who brings a leftover cupcake to my desk from their in-classroom party.
Girl, I hear you about the big appetite. Mmm. You can do it! Looking forward to hear your hilarious updates :) Your cheeks are not eyeball shelves, by the way. I've creeped your wedding photos. You are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWell, I completely understand sister. However, I will say that I've read "Made To Crave" and it did make a difference in my thinking. It helped me a lot.
ReplyDeleteI hear you on this, Ashton! I have always had a big appetite. What I have started doing this year is eating more fruits and veggies and I have been cooking out of the Weight Watchers One Pot cookbook. Unfortunately it really is "burning more than you take in." Ideally a woman trying to actively lose weight should take in about 1,200 calories a day. Also, I would stay away from the frozen meals if I were you.
ReplyDeleteI'm a week in of eating right and walking 3 miles a day now that tax season is over. So far so good, its a change for sure, but in the long run a healthier me will be better. :) Miss you!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! It is definitely a change in mind and spirit, one that I pray I can handle! It's just hard to go from playing basketball, volleyball and everything without a care in the world to having to ponder what I am putting in my mouth. Ha. Cheers to getting older :)
ReplyDeleteMy problem...eating WAY MORE THAN A SERVING first go around and insisting to myself I need seconds. I LOVE food...especially the worst kind. Before lent was even over I drove through McDonald's one day when starving to death and got the 2 cheeseburger meal with a large fry and devoured it in like 2 mins. That first bite of that nasty little thing was nearly orgasmic and of course the fries just HAD to be perfectly cooked and loaded with salt. I believe that as long as you care enough about your general well being to not be a complete glutton then you'll be where you're supposed to be (in size/weight) and if you're comfortable with it then you'll be more beautiful than ever! Nothing wrong with loving food in moderation LOL