But what I found is: Modern simplicity is way more expensive than antique hand me downs and dumpster diving. (No surprise there, huh?) So I begged. And I loaded. And I searched. And somehow little by little, our house came together without a single furniture purchase. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm no modern. I don't want to sit on a couch that I can't spill Dr. Pepper on. I don't want to see a weird art sculpture where a picture of my Mama could be. So here's a quick tour. The backyard is still in progress and will be posted at a later date!
This is the livingroom as you would see it coming from the front door. Quite an array of inherited colors, but I like how comfortable and homey it is.
I have always wanted a fireplace so I was really excited that this house had one. Can't wait to get it up and running next winter! The objects on the mantle all hold special significance, especially the painting my grandma did for me.
Couch covers do wonders for a very floral loveseat. I love having this in my home though. It's the loveseat I always remember my Great-Grandma Robb lying on to watch old movies.
Justin's pride and joy would have to be the TV he got on sale. And also the ottoman that he found people throwing out and nabbed. He came home and said, "Are you proud of me?" I was VERY proud. He is learning! New fabric to come soon hopefully, but it works for now!
This is the dining area by the kitchen. I love the wide open layout of the whole space.
This piano was another free find from a lady who just wanted it out of her house. Strangely enough, it was in the house where I lived in Paragould on Court Street. Such a small world!
I thought the piano was a great place to display some of my favorite pictures and another one of my grandma's paintings. This is one of my favorites that she has ever done for me.
This is entering the kitchen from the livingroom. We eventually want to add some color, but we like the look now! Lots of good cabinet space which is already packed to the brim.
The other side of the kitchen. Thanks to all of our friends and family for all the cool appliances!
Call me strange, but I love all the doors in this house, especially this one that leads out of the kitchen onto the deck. It is actually a half-door that can be opened up. Maybe I'll one day open it and hand out stuff for the grill while wearing an apron and smiling really big. Maybe.
Welcome to the 70s, also known as Justin's man cave. We got these from my dad's parents and they are still quite charming and comfortable. Guys seem to like 'em.
No man cave is complete without a little ping pong. This was my Christmas present to him this past year. I'm usually a terrible gift giver, but I was pretty pleased with how this one turned out. I will one day beat him.
This charming touch pretty much sold me on the house. An old phone nook. I've been tempted to lay my cell phone on there and answer it just for the fun of it.
Guest room. Come and see us!
Our room. We have an old, brown door that we will be putting up as the headboard one of these days!
Just got this painting from Mema as part of my wedding present for our bedroom. I love it!
This is not the final look of this, but I was given two really cool trunks that I will be incorporating soon!
Stand by for a before and after picture of this bad boy. We aren't crazy about the tile, but it's OK for the time being. We are wanting to re-model some this summer.
Same with our bathroom:
Thanks for taking this tour with us! I know it's not perfectly in order, but I knew if I waited until then, it would never happen. We kind of like to mess things up as we go around here. We are hoping to open the pool soon and shape up the yard! Pictures to come when the parties start!