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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Writing Process: A Blog Tour

Last week, a friend from college journeyed down the blog tour on her personal blog-- Love her marital insight and stories-- check her out if you get the chance. 

The goal is to answer the given questions concerning your writing process and then mention a few blogs you read at the end of your entry. The people you "tagged"-- if they so choose--will continue the trend the following week. I'm thankful to Hannah for giving "Happily Ever Laughter" a shout-out last week. So here it goes:

1. What am I working on? 

Sadly, my writing has kind of taken a backseat lately. Getting our yard and pool ready for spring--along with other activities here and there--have kept me preoccupied. I have also found (post being laid off) how much my writing was based on my daily interactions and experiences. Now that my daily life has changed, I often find myself stuck in the inspiration department. I am still working toward finding out how to write about this new place in my life without becoming boring and redundant. 

2. How does my work differ from others in its genre? 

I feel like more marital/lifestyle blogs are starting to become this way, but when I first started out, I felt like I was helping pave the way to transparency. Marriage is hard. Trying to find a job is hard. Becoming an adult, in general, stinks. I felt like exposing my insecurities about being a newlywed and letting people read raw, cry-while-you're-typing emotion was my ministry. I want people to know they're not alone and that cookie-cutter blogs that show these perfect moms and perfect wives just don't tell the whole story. Don't beat yourself up if your kids eat McDonald's or you don't wake up at 5 a.m. to fix your husband homemade scones. 

3. Why do I write what I do? 

I touched on this in the answer above, but I have always written in order to shine a new light on regular life; to take a situation you face every day and put a new spin on it. To draw a lesson or an insight from something that most people would ignore. I think bloggers wear an interesting lens when viewing the world, and I try to use mine to make others laugh. 

4. How does your writing process work? 

I wish I could say that I can just sit down at the computer and start spouting Pulitzer Prize winning stuff. Instead, this is what a typical pre-blog looks like for me: I'm sitting at lunch with an old friend and she says, "Remember when we were single and we could just have cookie dough for dinner? Now we're married and we have to present a decent plate of food." LIGHT BULB. 

I immediately get out my phone and act like I'm texting. Instead, I am hurriedly typing out other ways that life changes when you get hitched into the "notes" section of my phone.

If something happens to me and police search the "notes" on my phone, I hate to see their mental profile of me. Schizophrenic with great grammar, perhaps? 

Go check out: 

Check out Heather's blog at She is blatantly honest like me and holds nothing back. Her take on motherhood is refreshingly real and I've heard countless moms thank her for expressing their exact emotions.

My cousin Hannah is an awesome photographer and her blog is one I frequent-- not just for the beautiful pictures but her vitality and positive view of life.

There's so many more I can mention, but I'll refrain just to give others a chance to participate if they want to. There's only so many blogs in one circuit :) 

Thanks for taking the time to tour with me. I promise I'll get back to writing. This was a much-needed boost. 

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