I saw a Buzzfeed post earlier today that compared life in your early 20s to life in your late 20s. While some were relatable, most didn’t fully resonate with me. So I did some thinking. How has my life changed since I hit 20?
20: I have a 3.98 GPA because of World Civilizations Before 1500. I’m never going to get into graduate school. I hope I can still get a job someday.
27: Pretty sure the guy that tried to get me to write his papers in college is the CEO of a company right now. I guess I should have partied more and studied less. Maybe if I mention my Summa Cum Laude status, I can inherit a WALL so I can hang up my framed diploma.
20: I just traveled the world. When I get a job, I’m going to visit Italy, Greece, Egypt, Israel and Ireland like all the time.
27: I will never be able to leave America again.
20: Maybe if I repeat my name, major and hometown like a broken record, a bunch of girls will choose me to be their new friend.
27: I’m not much for crafts or quilts. Count me out, ladies.
20: Women at the gym want to know what exercises to do to get my arms.
27: Women at the gym now approach me for understanding: “Would you look at her arms? Who does she think she is—Michelle Obama?”
20: I won’t work anywhere or participate in anything unless I’m passionate about it.
27: So funny story. I like to eat. And have a house. And enjoy the luxuries of indoor plumbing. I’ll gladly be your secretary’s secretary. Sign me up.
20: I can’t believe people I graduated with already have babies. We’re still teenagers pretty much.
27: Hey, Ashton—I’ll be over in Baby Gap if you need me.
20: I can’t believe he doesn’t want to be with me. What’s wrong with me? I must be ugly.
27: I can’t believe he continues to want to be with me. I’m crazy.
20: I can’t wait until I’m like 27. I’ll have my life, career and family ironed out by then.
27: What I wouldn’t give to have the responsibilities of a 20-year-old.
You gave me an article idea. Thanks!