When it's almost time for a hiatus from work or a vacation, we're all guilty of saying the lie above all lies: "Well, I just don't know what I'm going to do with all this free time."
And if you're anything like me-- you walk out those doors with all kinds of plans. And you spend the next 5 days doing absolutely nothing, which entitles you to at least three naps a day to recover.
Justin called and asked if I was "sleeping again." He laughed as this actually escaped my half-unconscious lips: "Well, I watered the flowers and then I got really hot and tired."
This is from the girl who used to work 10 hours a day. And I've now suddenly lost the ability to do normal tasks without extreme fatigue. Here are some signs that you, like me, need to snap out of a coma.
1. Your only criteria for a Netflix instant streaming show is that it have 272 episodes or more. That should last ya about a week.
2. Suddenly making macaroni and cheese is a culinary masterpiece that takes too long. I actually put back a box today because I didn't have the desire to work that hard.
3. You get mad at yourself when you have to get up and go to the bathroom. Where is a Port-o-Potty when you need it? Note to self: Run to Affordable Medical Supplies whenever you decide to drive somewhere.
4. Your couch now has an indentation of your body. I got up to go to the bathroom and my cushions were sunken in and deformed. If a couch could take a deep breath, I'm pretty sure mine hyperventilated for two whole minutes.
5. The last 5 outfits you put on had an elastic waist band. You contemplate why in the world jeans are even considered casual. They are like belly prison.
6. Body spray is the new shower. Oh yeah, two squirts of Cucumber Melon will freshen you right up, Stinky McStinkster.
7. You make the last 10 minutes count. I have timed it out to when Justin comes home. I straighten up my surroundings, dash on some eyeliner and throw my hair up in a messy bun. A swipe of lipgloss and I am greeting him at the door, hoping my Whoops-I-didn't-mean-to-be-naturally-cute-look comes out just right. I usually miss a few popcorn kernels that have taken residence on my shirt.
I'm going to stop at 7 because things could get really ugly.
Sometimes it is just so nice to take a leave of absence from our busy lives--even if it means looking pretty pathetic in order to do so. It's just important not to stay there.
I think I'm going to cut it down to 1 nap tomorrow...
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
I ALWAYS do #7. I call it the shakedown.